People passionate about nature

Articles & Announcements

Banding at Delta Marsh Bird Observatory

Delta Marsh Bird Observatory has been banding songbirds since 1992. It was originally found at Delta Marsh but due to flooding and habitat loss the station was moved to Oak Hammock Marsh Wildlife Management Area in 2011. We are the only station in Manitoba that is a part of the Canadian Migration Monitoring Network. We have banded over 50,000 birds and over 100 species, over the last 26 years.

Above: Banding Station (courtesy of DMBO)

Manitoba's Bats in Trouble

A relatively new disease is putting some of Manitoba’s bat species at risk, and could even drive some species to extinction. White-nose syndrome (WNS) was first detected in Manitoba in the winter of 2017/18, and now that it’s here Manitoba bats are at risk.

Above: hibernating bats (by Mary-Anne Collis)

Volunteer Opportunity

Want to make a difference with Nature Manitoba?  We are looking for volunteers to work with our communications team.  We have short term and longer term positions available on our Communications Committee.

Short term help for our 100th Anniversary:

Manitoba’s Agalinis Species

By: Chris Friesen, Manitoba Conservation Data Centre

When we think of plants, we tend to think green. This is because the vast majority of plants produce chlorophyll in their above-ground parts which they use to harvest sunlight to produce their ‘food’, with water and additional nutrients obtained from the soil through the roots. However, some species have evolved ways of obtaining these resources by ‘stealing’ them from other plants!

Summer Job Opportunity with our IBA Program

Manitoba Important Bird Areas Program Assistant

The Manitoba Important Bird Area (IBA) Program is hiring a Program Assistant. This position is based out of Winnipeg and includes travel to various IBAs in southern Manitoba. The position is a 300-hour part-time contract at $13-$15hr depending on experience - start date May 2019.

For more information on the Manitoba IBA program, visit:


Birding For Beginners Series 2019

If you're interested in learning to bird but don't know where to start, or you've been out birding but lack confidence to identify birds on your own, our Birding for Beginners series is for you!

This series takes place every Wednesday for five weeks between May 1st and May 29th. You can attend as many weeks as you choose, and registration is not required. An experienced birder will meet you at a new park in Winnipeg each week and will help new birders look for and learn how to identify native and migratory birds in Manitoba!

Robber Flies

Photos and article by Deanna Dodgson

Found worldwide, robber flies belong to a large order of predatory flies known as Asilidae.  According to one source, their proficiency at hunting insects is what prompted beekeepers in Germany two centuries ago to dub the bee-like flies that predated their colonies as thieves, or robbers.

Above: Neoitamus-orphne basking
