People passionate about nature

Articles & Announcements

Remembering Kim Monson

BELOW: Kim in the 1990s in one of the caves she and Jack discovered in Manitoba's Interlake.

Writen by: Roger Turenne

For three decades, Kim Monson was an influential, passionate and totally dedicated volunteer with Nature Manitoba. She was a trip leader, workshop and Discovery Evening presenter, board member, president, researcher, environmental advocate, mentor, role model and friend.

Planting for Pollinators

​by: Debbie Sayer

Reading a disturbing article on the plight of North American bees coincided with the arrival of seed catalogs and the annual dream of growing a fabulous flower garden. These events served to open an avenue of thought … what could a well intentioned, slightly lazy city gardener without a particularly green thumb contribute to help local pollinators?

It turns out plenty!

Duck Bows and Real Estate

By Diana McMillan

I have been enjoying watching the antics of a pair of wood ducks that frequent my little section of the Seine River. Believe it or not, they like to sit high in trees eating acorns! Watching them land with their web feet in the canopy some 30 or 40 feet up, is quite a sight.

Winter Cycling Trip to Mantario Cabin

When a group of skiers from the Manitoba chapter of the Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) booked a trip out to the Mantario cabin this February, they thought their ski trip out would be similar to every other year. But when warm weather melted the top few inches on the lakes and the temperature quickly dropped, some of the skiers decided to swap their skis for bicycles.

We assumed the lakes would be sheets of pure ice,” said Claire Dionne, who was on the trip. “So the decision was to get to the lake, and give it a try.”

Tiger Beetles in Manitoba

In Manitoba, tiger beetle fauna is most abundant and diverse in sandy habitats.  These habitats include sand dunes, borrow pits, roadside blow-outs and forest edges.  Other tiger beetles are attracted to clay soil or salt flats and some prefer living near wetlands.

Birding for Beginners Series 2017

If you're interested in learning to bird but don't know where to start or you've been out birding but lack confidence to identify birds on your own, our Birding for Beginners series is for you! This series takes place every Wednesday for five weeks between May 3rd and May 31st. You can attend as many weeks as you choose, and registration is not required. An experienced birder will meet you at a new park in Winnipeg each week and will help new birders look for and learn how to identify native and migratory birds in Manitoba. 

Planted: Stories from Manitoba's Natural World

Every nature-lover has a story about a special time when they felt connected with our environment. Whether it’s a moment of healing, fascination, or even survival, all our stories remind us that we are part of the natural world. In her book Planted: Stories from Manitoba's Natural World NM member Kaitlin Vitt has collected the stories of eight local nature-lovers, both to preserve them and remind us that feeling connected with nature is fundamental to protecting it.
