People passionate about nature

General Trips

James Lake Cabin Ski

February 18, 2012 to February 20, 2012
General Trips / 3.5

Join Denise Levesque and Ray Nielsen for a relaxed ski weekend around the James Lake cabin at Turtle Mountain Provincial Park. Stay in a rustic cabin for two nights and enjoy the company of other nature lovers. 

Contact / Registration: 

Call Denise at 889-2297 or email  

Ski Grand Beach

February 4, 2012
General Trips / 2.5

Join Al Louer for a day of skiing at Grand Beach’s beautiful trails.

Contact / Registration: 

To register call Al at 235-1790 or email Rate 2-3.

Full Moon Evening Ski

February 7, 2012
General Trips / 2

Enjoy the mystical aura of the bush and forest of Birds Hill Park with Don under the next full moon.  We would follow the 8 km Lime Kiln trial, which has a warming hut midway. Meet at the riding stables/restaurant parking lot at 7:30 p.m.  

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Don Himbeault at  

Ski Pinawa

March 24, 2012
General Trips / 2.5

Ski the Pinawa area on some of the easiest or toughest trails.  If insufficient snow, an alternative activity will be arranged. Really are rates 1-3.

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Les McCann at 895-8108 or

St. Boniface et Festival du Voyageur Hike

February 19, 2012
General Trips / 2

Join Roger Sutherland for a north Saint-Boniface hike starting at 9:30 a.m. with the start tentatively planned at Whittier Park. Starting place may change as the Festival du Voyageur will be running. Burn a few calories to make room for some tourtiere (meat pie) at the Festival du Voyageur. Dress appropriately with good footwear and bring water and lunch.

Contact / Registration: 

To register call Roger at 451-1219. 

Green Spaces for All (an external activity)

February 18, 2012
General Trips / 1.5

From 10:30 a.m.-noon at the Windsor Park Nordic Ski Centre (corner of DesMeurons and Regal), join us on a walk on the Seine River for your health, social enjoyment, and give your voice to the land and the river. Includes a short presentation on the importance of maintaining Winnipeg’s golf courses as green spaces for all of us!

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Save Our Seine or Outdoor Urban Recreational Spaces.

Quetico Canoe Trip

August 18, 2012 to August 26, 2012
General Trips / ADVANCED

(*** The Trip is full ***)  The very name “Quetico” means canoe tripping paradise. Join Sean Worden on this remote backcountry canoe trip across the northern part of Quetico Provincial Park. This trip could be moderately challenging as the seven day trip will cover roughly 62 miles, 14 lakes, and 15 portages over the seven days.

Contact / Registration: 

For more information, please contact Sean Worden at 781-0796 or    

Milk River Canoe Trip

August 10, 2012 to August 14, 2012
General Trips / ADVANCED

(*** This trip is full ***)
Enjoy this classic southern Albertan canoe trip, which starts in the town of Milk River, meanders through southern Albertan badlands and finishes in the surreal Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park. Two days of canoeing, with one day planned to camp at Writing-on-Stone before the long drive back.

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Shannon Healy at 218-2176 or  

Hiking the Other Section at Pinawa

March 31, 2012
General Trips / 2.5

Day hike on the Pinawa to Seven Sisters section of the Trans Canada Trail, ca. 12 km. This can be wet and muddy but with a little luck the current dry conditions may allow this to be walkable. Waterproof footwear required. 


Contact / Registration: 

Register with Les McCann at 895-8108 or    

Spurge Purge and Plant Walk

June 23, 2012
General Trips / 2

Join the Habitat Committee on their annual mission to count and pull out leafy spurge in study plots on one of our prairies.  The plan is to meet at 9 a.m. at the Loewen Prairie (4 km east of Tolstoi on PR209) and work for 2-3 hours then eat lunch at the interpretive trail and go for a plant walk.

Contact / Registration: 

Please register with Marilyn Latta at 253-9245 ahead of time so that you can be notified if the date or time need to be changed due to weather or flowering stage of the spurge.  Car pooling will be arranged as needed.

Walk in the Park for Hope – Assiniboine Park

April 22, 2012
General Trips / NOVICE

Nature Manitoba is leading some casual walking excursions through various city parks, under the headline "Walk in the Park for Hope". These walks will range anywhere from 10 minutes to two hours depending on the wishes of the participants. The initial leader will be Henry Redekop, and all walks will take place on Sundays. Rates will be rate 1.

Contact / Registration: 

Pre-registration not required.

Day Canoe Trip

May 27, 2012
General Trips / 2

Join Sean Worden for a day canoe on the Hansons Creek/Francis Lake canoe route in the Whiteshell. 

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Sean at

Morden Vicinity Hike

June 9, 2012
General Trips / INTERMEDIATE

Join Stan Skrypetz for a day hike on the Morden/Lake Minnewaska trails in southeastern Manitoba in the Pembina Valley area.

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Stan at 269-1581 or  

Mantario Trail Hike

June 30, 2012 to July 2, 2012
General Trips / ADVANCED

Join Al Louer for a 3 – 4 day backpacking trip to Mantario using the south route.  Please note these dates are approximate and will depend on the level of interest of participants.

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Al at 235-1790 or

Day Canoe Trip

July 8, 2012
General Trips / 2

Join Sean Worden for a day canoe through the tunnels at Caddy Lake in the Whiteshell. 

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Sean at  

Canoeing with Jerry and Les

July 14, 2012 to July 15, 2012
General Trips / INTERMEDIATE

Join Jerry Ameis and Les McCann for this two-day canoe expedition to Reynar Lake in Nopiming Provincial Park. This trip is well suited for beginners - only one portage and about one hour of paddling. This leaves lots of time for playing and fishing (you will need an Ontario fishing license). 

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Jerry at or Les at 

Celebrate National Canoe Day

June 24, 2012
General Trips / NOVICE

While National Canoe day is officially June 26, here in Manitoba there are canoe races and a BBQ at Whitemouth Provincial Park at Seven Sisters on June 24. Join Bryon Burvill to take in the festivities.

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Bryon at or phone 233-7904 for details.

Nature Manitoba Volunteer Planting

June 16, 2012
General Trips / 1.5

We will be re‐vegetating a European buckthorn removal site in Assiniboine Park with a variety of 
native herbs and shrubs.
Time: 10:00 am 
Meeting Place: Assiniboine Park conservatory entrance
What to bring: Please be advised that clothes and footwear may get dirty. Bring a pair of work or 
garden gloves

Contact / Registration: 

RSVP: Rob, 986‐7235 or

Birds Hill Park Hike

May 26, 2012
General Trips / 1.5

Join Marcel Lacroix for a day of hiking in Birds Hill Park.  Hiking will be at a leisurely pace as we wish to locate and identify wild flowers, birds and butterflies.  

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Marcel at or 231-8533.

Pinawa Hiking

August 11, 2012
General Trips / INTERMEDIATE

Explore a part of the TransCanada Trail around the heritage dam and suspension bridge, traverse the ski trails along the Pinawa Channel, and join up with the town’s urban trail system. 

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Rose at or phone 338-9369.
