Hecla Island Provincial Park is about two hours north of the perimeter past Gimli. There are several hiking trails there, as well as a historical self-guided walk of Hecla Village, an exhibit of the people of Hecla Island from the 1870s to the present day. We can decide which trails to tackle when we arrive based on conditions and members' preferences.
Contact / Registration:
To register please contact Jarod Matwiy at matwiyj@mts.net .
Hike along the TransCanada Trail spur from Falcon to Westhawk lakes. We will leave Winnipeg at 9:00 a.m. from Robin’s Donuts at the corner of Lagimodiere Blvd. (Highway 59) and Fermor. Anticipated return by 6:00 p.m.
Contact / Registration:
Contact Bryon Burvill at 204-233-7904 or bpb1@mymts.net .
Bike through St. Boniface to the new Winnipeg stadium, with a possible tour of the structure. Meet at Robin’s Donuts at the corner of Provencher and Desmeurons just prior to 10:00 a.m.
Contact / Registration:
Contact Bryon Burvill at 204-233-7904 or bpb1@mymts.net .
This day trip begins at Betula Lake and goes downstream on the Whiteshell River. It is a fairly easy paddle. A bit of lake and river paddling (with three short portages) gets you to the enchanting Pine Point Rapids site where a picnic shall occur.
Contact / Registration:
Jerry Ameis, ph.284-1902, email raven981@mymts.net
Join Jerry for an easy 4 day paddle (with no portages) to beautiful Garner Lake. The trip begins at Beresford Lake in Nopiming Park. Most of the paddling occurs on Beresford Creek and the Garner River. Enjoy two days of exploring and fishing (if desired) on the lake and upstream part of the Garner river.
Contact / Registration:
Contact Jerry Ameis, ph 284-1902, email raven981@mymts.net
Join Jerry and Les for a relaxing weekend at Reynar Lake. Explore and fish as desired. The trip takes about 2 hours in a small lake system with one 150-metre portage. Experts and beginners welcome. The trip begins at Davidson Lake. Extra canoe and some equipment available.
Contact / Registration:
Conact Jerry Ameis, 284-1902, email raven981@mts.net or Les McCann, 895-8108, email lmccann2001@yahoo.com
Join Al for a cycle of the Assiniboine Park, Assiniboine Forest, and out to Fort Whyte. We will meet at 10 am at Assiniboine Park footbridge ( the south end ) . Please bring lunch , water , helmet and maybe sunscreen.
Contact / Registration:
To register, call Al at 235-1790 or email alainlouer@hotmail.com
Sign up for a four-day weekend canoe trip to the Mantario cabin which features “off the grid” equipment such as solar powered lights, composting toilets, ceramic water filters, wood and propane cook stoves, and a wood fired sauna.
Contact / Registration:
Phone Peter at 204-654-4112 or email pdervee@gmail.com.
Get out of the office and into a canoe. Work and play in the Mantario Wilderness Zone. Help us maintain Nature Manitoba’s Mantario cabin and prepare it for the summer program. Cabin fees are waived for this trip.
Contact / Registration:
Phone Peter at 204-654-4112 or email pdervee@gmail.com.
Join Kathy Picard cycling on the dyke along the Winnipeg River, from Lac du Bonnet to Great Falls, aprox. 25 kms. Some of the trail follows an old rail bed. The surface is hard packed gravel with a bit along municipal roads with very little traffic. It's quite scenic, especially beside the water.
Contact / Registration:
Register with Kathy Picard, ph. 1-204-345-8422, or email kdpicard@mymts.net
Join Al for a hike guaranteeing good companions and views of lots of wild flowers, birds and perhaps the elusive Bird's Hill pine martin. Hike will finish with an opportunity to swim with the group at Kingfisher Lake (Bird's Hill Provincial Park).
Contact / Registration:
Register with Al Louer, email alainlouer@hotmail.com or call 204-235-1790
Join Les McCann for an autumn canoe trip in Netley Marsh. This will be a follow up to last years outing and we will explore a new section of the marsh. Suitable for Novices but to expect a full day outing. We will try to accomodate enthusiasts who do not have canoeing equipment.
Contact / Registration:
Contact Les at 204-895-8108 or lmccann2001@yahoo.com
Join Les McCann to hike the Grasshopper trail. With two nights at the back country Minnedosa campsite.This is an easy total 17.2 km. trail. We plan to have a day at the campsite to explore the area without full packs.
Contact / Registration:
Register with Les McCann, 204-895-8108 or lmccann2001@yahoo.com
Join Roger Sutherland for this day hike. We will cross to the island on a sand bar, explore some of the islands features and finish up with a pot luck BBQ on the Island. People may want to bring bathing suits as the beaches are beautiful.
Join Roger Sutherland for a hike around St Malo Provincial Park on Sunday Oct 6. Dress for the weather, bring water and lunch/snacks.
Meet at 9 am at McDonald's on Fermor Ave.
The second of two trips to replenish the cabin and sauna fire wood supplies for the upcoming winter ski season.
Participants/volunteers stay at the cabin at no charge and the majority of meals are made with the cabin food supplies
Contact / Registration:
If you're interested in participating, call Dan Livingston at 204-619-2020 or text him at dannolivin@gmail.com.
Come out to the Mantario cabin for the inaugural 2013/14 season ski to our communal haven on Mantario Lake. If snow conditions are good (minimal), participants may even get to skate most of the way to the cabin.
Contact / Registration:
Call Dan Livingston at 204-619-2020 or email at dannolivin@gmail.com to register.
Please join Al Louer for a hike through 2 of Winnipeg's
older neighborhoods. please meet in front of Ross House on Meade
close to Euclid at 9:30 am . Dress appropriately and bring water
and snacks. For those who wish we could have brunch at Neechi
Commons that runs from 10 am to 2 pm.
Contact / Registration:
Register with Al, ph. 2042351790, Email: alainlouer@hotmail.com
Join Brian Wagg to ski the 10 km of looped trails in the Agassiz Provincial Forest through pine, poplar and spruce bogs. $5.00 trail fee to be collected. Lunch in Lac Du Bonnet. Meet in the 59er Esso Stn at 9:00AM near the Birds Hill Park gate.
Join Brian Wagg to expand your knowledge of the established ski trail network. Being aware of the trails interconnection points will add alternative routes for you to discover. Meet in the 59er Esso Stn at 10:00AM near the Birds Hill Park gate.
Starting at 2 p.m., an afternoon of winter fun. Skiing, skating, shinny, tobogganing and playing in the snow followed by a delicious potluck supper at 5:30 p.m. To be held at Bourkevale Community Centre, 100 Ferry Road.
Join Al Louer for a ski at Birds Hill Provincial Park. Meet at the Perkins Parking lot, corner of Lagimodiere and Regent for 9:30 a.m. Bring lunch and water. If you go directly to the park ensure you have a park pass. We will start at the stable.
Contact / Registration:
Register with Al at ph. 204-235-1790 or Email: alainlouer@hotmail.com
Join Al Louer for Shannondale's Ski Day on Saturday February 22 for a leisurely day of skiing. Please bring lunch and water. More details to be provided later as the activities of the day are announced.