People passionate about nature

General Trips

Mantario Potluck

February 22, 2015
General Trips / NOVICE

An afternoon of winter fun! Skiing, skating, shinny, tobogganing and playing in the snow, followed by a delicious potluck supper.

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Scotty Nystrom at

Porcus Lake camping

August 1, 2015 to August 5, 2015
Major trips / INTERMEDIATE

Join Jerry for a 5 day leisurely canoe trip to Porcus Lake (in Exp. lakes). The trip begins at Ethelma Lake where the Berry River crosses the Highwind Lake road. Takes about 4 hours to reach Porcus (2 portages - longest an easy 300 m); 2-4 days of exploring the area; 4 hours back. You can stay the full 5 days or leave earlier.

Trip Leader: 

Contact / Registration: 

Jerry Ameis

Hawkcliff Lake canoe camping - CLOSED

July 11, 2015 to July 17, 2015
Major trips / INTERMEDIATE

Join Jerry for a 7 day canoe trip to Hawkcliff Lake (just east of Exp. lakes). The trip begins at Vermillion Bay (Eagle L.); Takes 2 days to reach Hawkcliff; 3 days of exploring the area; 2 days back. Upon return, enjoy a rib supper at the world famous rib eatery in Vermillion Bay. The trip is classified as intermediate.

Trip Leader: 

Contact / Registration: 

Jerry Ameis

Kilvert Lake area canoe camping - CLOSED

August 17, 2015 to August 23, 2015
Major trips / ADVANCED

Join Jerry for an 8 day canoe trip in the Kilvert Lake area (just west of Exp. lakes). The trip begins at Rushing River campground. It is a loop trip that involves a couple of long portages. There will be a few layover days. The trip is classified as advanced but strong intermediate paddlers are welcome.  Maximum of 3 canoes for the trip.

Trip Leader: 

Contact / Registration: 

Jerry Ameis

Intro to Backcountry Camping - Part 2

May 29, 2015 to May 31, 2015
General Trips / NOVICE

This second part of the Intro to Backcountry Camping workshop is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to practice and learn backcountry skills under the supervision and direction of experienced trip leaders.  This session is focused entirely on the newcomer to backcountry camping, participants will have the opportunity to perform the following:

Contact / Registration: 

Sean Worden:

Mud Turtle Adventure

May 31, 2015
General Trips / INTERMEDIATE

Join Jerry for a canoeing day trip to Mud Turtle Lake. We may see some monster clay chelydra serpentina. Involves about 12 km of paddling and doing a portage of 500 m twice. The launch is at Brereton Lake in the Whiteshell. While classified as intermediate, novice paddlers who are ready to try some portaging are welcome.

Trip Leader: 

Celebrate summer with a canoe day trip CLOSED

June 21, 2015
General Trips / NOVICE

Celebrate the start of summer with a canoeing day trip from Big Whiteshell Lake to Lone island Lake. Join Jerry in this celebratory venture. Involves about 12 km of paddling. If water levels are high enough we might try a side adventure up Indian Creek. The launch is at Big Whiteshell. Please do not register if you do not have a canoe and partner. There are no 'canoes looking for paddlers'.

Trip Leader: 

Spurge Purge and Plant Walk

June 28, 2015
General Trips / NOVICE

Join the Habitat Committee on their annual mission to count and pull out leafy spurge in study plots on one of our prairies. The plan is to meet at 9 a.m. at the Loewen Prairie (4 km east of Tolstoi on PR 209) and work for 2-3 hours, then eat lunch at the interpretive trail and go for a plant walk.

Contact / Registration: 

Please register with Marilyn Latta at 204-253-9245 ahead of time so that you can be notified of any changes in scheduling. Car pooling will be arranged as needed. Hiking rate 2.

Botany Walk at Henteleff Park

July 7, 2015
General Trips / NOVICE

Join Marilyn Latta for an evening stroll through Henteleff Park. Although primarily a plant walk, we will look at bird, butterflies and anything else that runs, flies or crawls by. Meet at the parking lot (1964 St. Mary's Rd.) at 7 p.m.

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Marilyn Latta at 204-253-9245.

Prairie Day at The Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie Preserve

August 8, 2015
General Trips / NOVICE

Prairie Day celebrates the plants and animals of the tall grass prairie ecosystem. From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, guided walks, presentations and displays highlight different aspects of prairie wildlife and this unique natural area. Face painting, bannock baking and a bug hunt are perennial favourites with the kids.

Contact / Registration: 

Contact Preserve staff at 204-425-3229 or for more information.

Photo Ops in the Brokenhead Wetland Ecological Reserve

July 2, 2015
General Trips / NOVICE

28 native orchids, 23 rare plants, 10 carnivorous plants, 1,240 hectares, a calcareous fen, camera and macro lenses. Stroll along the new 1.5 km boardwalk through this fen for some evening photography during the full moon. Meet-up time will be 5:30 p.m. Register after June 24.

Trip Leader: 

Backpacking Spruce Woods Epinette Creek

June 26, 2015 to June 28, 2015
Major trips / ADVANCED

HIke the 44Km Epinette Creek Trail over Friday, Saturday and Sunday. After a couple of shorter hikes on this trail it's time to do the full deal. Friday night will be a 10Km hike to Hut 3, Saturday hike the 12Km to Hut 4, and on Sunday rise early to hike the 20+Km out to the trailhead. When registering by email please advise me of your hiking backcountry experience.

Contact / Registration: 

Phone Number: 204-781-0796, Email:, no texts please

Hike Mantario Trail September long weekend

September 3, 2015 to September 7, 2015
Major trips / ADVANCED

We will hopefully be able to start on Thursday night
    by staying at either Hemingway or the Island view site.
    I plan to do the trail North to South this year. This is a rugged
    trail recommended for experienced hikers in good physical
    shape. When you register please advise me of your hiking

Contact / Registration: 

Sean Worden 204-781-0796 or   no texts please

Riding Mountain camping hike

September 18, 2015 to September 20, 2015
Major trips / ADVANCED

Hike in Western Riding Mountain on September 18th to 20th. We will depart Winnipeg Friday to arrive at the Trailhead about noon, setting up a car shuttle on route. We will start the hike at Bob Hill Lake and end near the Deep Lake Ranger Station. The hike is planned at 44.5Km with a saturday distance of about 17.4 Km. Register by phone or email, no texts please.

Contact / Registration: 

Sean Worden 204-781-0796

Riding Mountain camping hike

July 11, 2015 to July 13, 2015
Major trips / ADVANCED

Hike from the trailhead on Hwy 19 along the South Escarpment trail to Muskrat lake and then do the Robinson loop to return along the South Escarpment Trail to the Trailhead on Hwy 19.  This hike is about 38.1 Km with daily distances of 7km, 17.3Km, and 13.4km.  This hike is scheduled as a Saturday to Monday hike, we depart on Saturday morning, returning Monday evening.

Contact / Registration: 

Sean Worden 204-781-0796

Experimental Lakes Area Grand Tour

July 25, 2015 to August 3, 2015
Major trips / ADVANCED

Join Roger for this ten-day canoe trip around the Experimental Lakes area. The route will include Stewart, Winnange, Teggau, Point, Dryberry, Hillock, Highwind, Porcus, and Geejay Lakes. Over 100 km of travel and 14 portages. Seven days will be devoted to paddling with three days for windbound/layover. Maximum of 4 canoes and 8 participants.

Contact / Registration: 

Roger Turenne or phone 204-237-5947

Northern Sun Co-op tour

August 15, 2015
General Trips / NOVICE

Please join Al for a tour of the Northern Sun Farm co-op ( located south of Steinbach ) on Saturday August 15,2015. They give up their time so they would like at least $ 7 a person to help cover their time. Our host will be Mitch . I visited the place last year and it has interesting off grid  power projects , composting and nice functional construction .

Trip Leader: 
