We are pleased to announce that the 2024 Gardens of Distinction fundraising event will take place on Saturday, July 6th! Please join us for a great day of visiting the yards of talented gardeners, along with a plant sale at the St. Boniface Heritage Garden where any remaining tickets will be available for sale on the morning of July 6th, 2024.
This is Nature Manitoba's major annual fundraising event, and we appreciate your support! Thanks to our volunteers and gardeners who make this event possible. The self-guided tour features 13 gardens in St. Vital, St. Boniface and Osborne Village areas, which you can visit at your own pace between 9am and 4pm and in any order you choose. To reduce the ecological footprint, we recommend car-pooling or biking if you are able. Tickets are only $20 and are available at one of our wonderful retail locations Available at these Retail Ticket Locations until noon on July 4th:
Any remaining tickets will be available for sale at the the St. Boniface Heritage Gardens on July 6th at 9am. Note: Tickets are no longer available online