Nature Manitoba, Nature Canada and Bird Studies Canada are pleased to announce the launch of the Manitoba Important Bird Area Caretaker Program. Manitoba currently has 38 designated Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and this program will recruit and train volunteer caretakers (individuals or community organizations that act as champions for their local IBA) for each of them. The new program has been made possible by the generous support of the Winnipeg Foundation and the Manitoba Community Services Council.
Nature Manitoba is seeking a part-time coordinator to develop this new program (see job advert below) and to engage as many people (including our members) as possible in activities to support our IBAs. This program will ensure that all Manitoba IBAs receive the attention needed to maintain and/or seek to enhance their ecological integrity. Working together with local volunteers at the grassroots level, as well as with international partners, we will review existing IBA conservation plans, develop new plans where needed, assess and augment monitoring data, and, above all, promote and protect these Manitoba treasures that have global importance for the preservation of biodiversity. By launching this program we are joining a network of Canadian provinces, U.S states and numerous countries from across the Americas and indeed around the world in a global conservation network to preserve our shared natural heritage.
Job Posting
Nature Manitoba is seeking a part-time coordinator to develop an IBA caretaker program in Manitoba, with the assistance of a volunteer steering committee. The position will initially be two days per week, commencing February 2012 (exact start date negotiable). It is envisioned that the successful candidate will work from Nature Manitoba's Winnipeg office; however, other locations may be acceptable to suit the successful candidate’s preference. Travel to various Manitoba locations will be involved.
We seek a dynamic individual who can engage a variety of audiences and rally support for the project from different sectors. The successful candidate will:
- work independently, but with input from a committee, to develop and promote a province-wide program,
- be skilled at giving presentations, recruiting volunteers, and organizing events
- write funding proposals and to seek opportunities to expand the program
- be able to use the IBA web portal and technical tools and to explain their usage to volunteers
- represent the Manitoba program at meetings with other provincial coordinators
Compensation: $25/hr starting salary (vacation pay, CPP, EI, WCB) with the possibility of increased hours and pay dependent on performance review.
- Demonstrated oral and written communications skills,
- Demonstrated knowledge of natural history and conservation (although a degree in biological or ecological sciences is not required, this program will benefit from someone who can speak with confidence and authority on the conservation issues pertinent to IBAs). Familiarity with Manitoba’s avifauna, experience in conservation programming, experience in working with community organizations and/or NGOs, fundraising experience, and bilingualism, are strong assets.
- Basic computer familiarity, especially with Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook). Familiarity with Adobe or other photo-editing software an asset.
- Valid driver's license
Please send (electronically in .doc, .rtf, or .pdf format) a résumé and cover letter with the names of three referees to Christian Artuso at
Deadline: January 12, 2012, 5 pm Central time.