Wanted: Discovery Evening Coordinator (Volunteer role)
The Discovery Evening program is made up of 6 nature presentations by leaders in Nature Biology and Research. It is offered Monday nights between Thanksgiving and the end of March at the Franco Manitoban Cultural Centre.
This Discovery Evening Volunteer tasks include:
• Working with a group of volunteers to put together a list of potential speakers (a list of previous presenters and topics over the last 20 years is available).
• Contacting potential speakers to determine if they are willing to present (an email template exists). Scheduling their talk and providing talk/speaker information to the NM office.
• Following up with speakers two weeks before the presentation to provide a reminder and obtain their bio (template exists)
• Introducing the speaker on the Discovery Evening (back ups available if you are away). Other volunteers handle the door (entry fee, vaccine check) and the AV set up of the laptop and projector with the speakers.
• Choosing presentation dates for the coming year and renewing booking contract(existing contract available)
You choose when to do the work over the course of the year (not in summer). Annual time commitment ~ 10-25 hours.
The current Discovery Evening Coordinator can assist and mentor you the first year to the extent desired.
What's fun about this?
• Creating a broad selection of speakers for Nature Manitoba Program with assistance of engaged helpers
• meeting other volunteers who enjoy nature
• meeting different speakers
• attending presentations in a diversity of areas interesting to Nature Manitoba members.
If you are interested, please send an email with your interest to info@naturemanitoba.ca and we will follow up with a conversation.