People passionate about nature

Mantario Cabin Work Party

Outdoor Activities: 

Event Date: 

September 19, 2014 to September 22, 2014

Trip Rating: 


Contact / Registration: 

Register with Peter Van der Mear, email

There are many fun activities planned:  The cabin will be leveled.  About two gallons of staining is required.  The stove pipes need cleaning.  Washrooms must be prepared for winter.  Food stock will be eaten or put away.  The cabin roof will be inspected and measured.  The sauna should also be inspected and measured.  Portages will be cleared for skiing.  And everyone’s favorite, firewood must be cut, hauled and split.  Of course, as always, a detailed inventory of fall colors will be noted.Please reply if you can join us for one of these Work Parties.Sept 19-22 or Oct 24-27.